Choose Your Own Adventure: Puts a Unique Spin on Vacation Planning With Its AQ Test's Adventure Quotient Test helps vacationers tailor the perfect adventure to fit their personality.

MONTREAL, CANADA (MARKETWIRE) -- June 4, 2012, a pioneer in online personality, career, and IQ assessments has come up with a personalized, online vacation planner. Assessing characteristics such as sensation seeking, novelty seeking, spontaneity, courage, and energy level, Queendom helps users choose their next adventure based on their personality profile, and offers tailor-made vacation ideas whether you're an Indiana Jones or a little more laidback.

There was a time when swimming with sharks was purely accidental, foreign delicacies like chocolate covered grass-hoppers were simply culinary mishaps or health code violations, and vacations consisted of sand and umbrella drinks. Times have changed, and so have people's perception of "adventure." However, much like pizza toppings, people's taste for excitement varies widely. Some get a kick from jumping off a cliff attached to an elastic. Others would rather go exploring at ground level with both feet firmly on the ground. Fortunately, has found an easy way to help people plan their next vacation destination by determining their "adventure personality type." Data collected from the Queendom's Adventure Quotient Test reveals that many people, regardless of age, would love to spelunk into a new adventure.

According to statistics from the AQ Test, the most common adventure type in Queendom's test-taking population is the "Eclectic Explorer", which Queendom describes as "...the quintessential nomadic traveler. One day they might play it safe and find themselves lounging on a beach with a cocktail in their hand, and the next they'll be spelunking down a dark cave in a distant land with no name." The second most common adventurers are the "Intrepid Globetrotters." These are vacationers who "...are the first to try something new and the last to leave anything exciting. People with this adventure type willingly put themselves in situations that would never cross the mind of most so-called 'sane' people."

Gender comparisons reveal that men are stronger sensation seekers (score of 60 for men, 53 for women, on a scale from 0 to 100), much more into high-energy adventures (66 vs. 60), and more willing to take on adventures that include an element of danger (60 vs. 53). Case in point: many men in the sample said that they would love the adrenaline rush of facing a charging rhino (women preferred the rush of facing an oncoming deadline at work), men preferred running with the bulls (women preferred running cross-country), and men also indicated that if given the chance, they would love to live in an Inuit igloo (women preferred a Buddhist monastery). However, before the men out there scoff at women's lack of bravado (or abundance of self-preservation and common sense, depending on how you look at it) Queendom's statistics did reveal that women do have quite the adventurous side, indicating that they would have much more fun "finding an ancient artifact in the Egypt's Valley of the Kings" vs. "finding something on sale." Women are also more than willing to rough it out with the guys on more rustic adventures and forgo a king-sized bed and sleep on the ground. Women under 20 showed a particularly strong adventurous streak, willingly going as far as to taste exotic foreign delicacies, like chocolate covered grasshoppers (men over 30 were the most willing taste-testers). Overall, it is clear from Queendom's data that most people hunger for adventure and like the idea of thinking outside the sandbox.

"While the people in our sample admitted that they are not always able to be spontaneous and plan a last-minute escapade - as is the case with many people with families - there is a definite desire to do something different and adventurous," explains Dr. Ilona Jerabek, president of the company.

So unless a person is travelling alone, how do people who vacation with family or friends meander around the different tastes in adventure?

"Vacation and adventure packages these days are amazingly unique and versatile - you're bound to find a place that has something for everyone. For example, if you would rather relax and your family prefers adventure, why not visit Costa Rica which has a beach resort as well as kayaking and hiking? You can go cycling in Laos or get a massage and do some yoga with a Yogi Master. You can munch on tapas in Spain or learn to Flamenco dance. The possibilities are endless, regardless of the type of adventurer you or your fellow travelers are," concludes Dr. Jerabek.

Those who wish to learn more about their adventure type and get great vacation ideas can visit:

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About Psychtests AIM Inc.
PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. The company's research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada.

Psychtests AIM Inc.
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President