It's a Cold, Cold World - Releases Results Of Their Research on Hostility examines the views and behaviors of people who possess high levels of hostility.

MONTREAL, CANADA (MARKETWIRE) -- March 13, 2012, a pioneer in online personality, career, IQ and relationship assessments has released its latest research on their comparison between people with strong hostile tendencies (cognitions, emotions, behaviors) and those without. Queendom's study reveals that through the eyes of a hostile person, the world is very much an ugly shade of black and white.

Spiritual teacher and guru Dr. Wayne Dyer eloquently summed up the dark contrast that hostility can evoke when he said "Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world." Some bouts of hostility are normal. Catching a cheating lover (twice), getting your buttons repeatedly pushed by an ungrateful boss, or getting rear-ended in traffic in your pristine, new car are good enough incentives to let our darker side come out. However, for those whose hostility is a staple of their personality, the world is nothing but a constant barrage of cheating lovers, ungrateful bosses, or rear-ending.

Based on analysis of responses from more than 6000 people, Queendom's research reveals that on average, people experience a mild amount of hostility (average score of 43, on a scale from 0 to 100), generally expressed in the form of verbal aggression. Gender comparisons revealed minor differences in overall level of hostility, although men tend to be more judgmental (hostile cognitions) and experience higher levels of contempt/disdain (hostile emotions), while women experience higher levels of anger (hostile emotions). Age comparisons indicated that hostility tends to decrease with age, along with the negative emotions, cognitions, and behaviors associated with it.

"Hostility is often confused with the emotion of anger, but it's more than an emotion, it's an attitude - and its impact is far-reaching," explains Dr. Jerabek, president of the company. "Our research shows that people with hostile attitudes not only have a negative outlook on life, but they also get in trouble more often for aggressive behavior, and even have problems with high blood pressure. In fact, hostility is one of the main attributes responsible for the negative health consequences of Type A personality."

But it doesn't end there. According to Jerabek, hostility can also impact the type of habits we pick up in life. "Our group of smokers, for example, scored higher on hostility than the non-smokers and the former smokers. Those who consumed more than 20 alcoholic drinks per week showed more hostile behavior in the form of direct physical aggression against others, and indirect physical aggression against inanimate objects."

Queendom's comparison between hostile and non-hostile people also revealed that:

  • 68% of hostile people (compared to 2% of non-hostile people) admitted to taking revenge out on someone by destroying or damaging his/her property.
  • 69% of hostile people (compared to 6% of non-hostile people) stated that seeing flaws in others disgusts them.
  • 74% of hostile people (compared to 4% of non-hostile people) readily point out someone else's mistakes/flaws, no matter how minor.
  • 74% of hostile people (compared to 4% of non-hostile people) admitted to talking about someone behind their back in order to purposely damage the person's reputation.
  • 76% of hostile people (compared to 4% of non-hostile people) use intimidation to get their way.
  • 76% of hostile people (compared to 8% of non-hostile people) stated that, when a friend/family member does or says something stupid, they can't resist embarrassing them.
  • 81% of hostile people (compared to 10% of non-hostile people) "rub it in" when they are right.
  • 85% of hostile people (compared to 49% of non-hostile people) are hard on themselves when they fail.
  • 87% of hostile people (compared to 8% of non-hostile people) admitted that they get angry over things that most people wouldn't consider a big deal.
  • 87% of hostile people (compared to 5% of non-hostile people) are purposely mean to people they don't like.
  • 88% of hostile people (compared to 16% of non-hostile people) tend to hold grudges for a long time.
  • 88% of hostile people (compared to 7% of non-hostile people) throw, break, or punch inanimate objects when angry.
  • 91% of hostile people (compared to 17% of non-hostile people) believe that most people will stab you in the back to get what they want.
  • 95% of hostile people (compared to 36% of non-hostile people) often use sarcasm when speaking to others.
  • In most situations in which they have become extremely angry at someone, 78% of hostile people (compared to 4% of non-hostile people) physically retaliated. offers a few tips for reducing the hostile emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that accompany hostility:

  • Count to ten. Take a moment to collect yourself before acting. During this time, put the situation into perspective and consider whether it merits your reaction.
  • Remove your ego from conflict. Try not to take things personally. Focus on the situation and the issue at hand, not the person with whom you are in a disagreement. Keep the goal of conflict resolution in mind at all times. This approach will facilitate problem solving and reduce or eliminate hostile responses.
  • Look at the positive side of other people's actions and behavior. Train yourself to be more optimistic about others by doing exercises such as the following: The next time you spot a homeless person, a rowdy teenager, or someone else who irks you, try to put yourself in his or her shoes. What must it be like to be that person? If you stretch your mind and challenge your imagination, you may find that you are truly able to understand others. This is a wonderful capability that will help you accept and appreciate both the people around you and all of humanity.
  • Change the way you think. This is referred to as cognitive restructuring. Our habitual thoughts and reactions are reprogrammable, if we're willing to put in the effort to change them:
    • Avoid negative words when feeling upset ("never", "can't", "hate" etc).
    • Try to keep the issue in perspective. Ask yourself, for example, if it will matter to you in a year.
    • Try to find the positive in the situation." For example, "I learned a lesson from this experience."

Those who wish to take Queendom's Hostility Test can go to:

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Psychtests AIM Inc.
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President