Visitor Profile

Queendom's traffic stands at more than 880 thousand unique visitors a month, producing a minimum of 7.2 million page views. We welcome an audience base from over 140 countries, with a predominately American audience (83.2%). Queendom registers more than 2,000 new members every day, and our average visitor spends nearly 10 minutes on the site during each visit, browsing over 8 different pages.

We have more than 1 million registered members and with loyal readership this size, you will have more exposure on Queendom than you would in any print magazine. Demographics

Queendom is a psychological portal that focuses on individuals and boasts a large U.S. and international audience. Best of all, more than 60% of our users have told their friends about something they saw on Queendom. Not to mention the fact that 70% of our audience are newsletter subscribers.

While we have a wide reach, Queendom also has a more specific and targeted audience. In fact, our prime visitor demographic is that of educated 29.5 year old females who lead a healthy lifestyle, and want to learn about themselves.

  • 74% are women
  • 76% are between 19 and 49 years of age
  • 76% have a college education