Counseling network

To supplement the advice offered in La Chaise Longue, the Counseling Network is a referral service for our visitors in need of one-on-one counseling.

We provide the information needed to make an informed choice of a counselor based on factors such as specialty, geographical location and price.

To apply to be a counselor click here
How it works
  • On this page, you will find the names of counselors who are members of the Counseling Network along with the description of their specialty.
  • Click on each counselor's name to access more information on specialty, approach, credentials, pricing, geographic location, and samples of the counselor's work.
  • When you have found a counselor who suits your needs, you can contact him/her directly.
List of Active Counselors



Bob Rich, Ph.D.

Dr. Bob Rich deals with almost any problem. He feels that he works better with victims than with perpetrators. However, he has extensive experience with just about any way people make themselves and each other miserable.

Brenda Kofford, LMHC

How to join our network
Make it a point to do something every day that makes you laugh.