Let's Make a Deal - Reveals The Most Popular Negotiation Styles's delves into the personalities of experienced negotiators to uncover their approach to getting that deal. MONTREAL, CANADA (MARKETWIRE) -- July 20, 2012, a pioneer in online psychological assessments, has released its newest research on the negotiation styles of people who spend their day debating, bargaining, and mediating the best deal possible. PsychTests' results reveal that negotiation styles can vary from the diplomatic and friendly to tactical warfare. Who's sitting across the negotiating table from you? Do you have a persuasive charmer on your hands, who will try to schmooze you into signing on the dotted line, or a hard-hitting player who refuses to budge an inch? Negotiating is a sophisticated and complex skill. It's all in the approach. And this approach depends on many factors, including who you're negotiating with, whether your relationship with this person has to stay on good terms, and how much you're willing to lose in order to win. assessed 750 people for whom negotiating is a major part of their job. Four top negotiating styles emerged from this sample:
But dirty dealing and intimidation, at least in most negotiations, isn't a tactic that will fly anymore. "These days, if you try to push and demand a lot, but refuse to give anything in return, you're not going to make it far," explains Dr. Ilona Jerabek, president of company. "You'll probably end up with a stalemate, or your opponent will simply get up and walk out the door. There has to be some give and take in negotiation, a win-win solution, and this is what top negotiators are able to do. Although some less then scrupulous tactics may be thrown around sometimes, no one in our sample of negotiators was an all-out 'hoodwinker'." In terms of gender differences between male and female negotiators, PsychTests did discover a few distinct differences. Men tended to be a little more persuasive and actually showed slightly better communication skills. Women, however, made integrity a top priority. "It's all about people skills in the negotiating world," concludes Dr. Jerabek. Good social insight, persuasion, and the ability to problem solve and resolve conflict. You have to treat the other person fairly and honestly. This is where top negotiators separated themselves from the rest of the population." HR managers interested in using the Negotiation Style Test or other pre-employment tests can visit: A summary document with basic reliability and validity information is available free of charge at : A full psychometric report is available to professional users, upon request.
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President About Psychtests AIM Inc. Psychtests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. Psychtests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. The company's research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada. |