See the World Through Anxious Eyes - Releases Results of Their Research on Anxiety Queendom releases results from their study on people with anxiety, and reveals how the world looks through the eyes of anxiety-sufferers. MONTREAL, CANADA (MARKETWIRE) -- May 31, 2011, one of the web's foremost sources of personality, career, and IQ assessments, unveils some interesting results of their Anxiety Test. Their study results reveal gender and age differences in regards to different types of anxiety, and provides a glimpse into the mind of those who suffer from this often debilitating and very common disorder. According to Wikipedia, every fifth American suffers from one of the anxiety disorders at some point in life. Many more experience major anxiety issues but the symptoms are not strong enough and/or don't last long enough to meet the diagnostic criteria. Anxiety is more than just worry - it's a constant preoccupation or dread. It's more than just nervousness - it's a sense of often inexplicable terror. It's the clammy hands, tension, lack of concentration, and the feeling of being constantly on edge. It's the sweating, palpitations, hypertension and headaches. Unfortunately, whether due to a lack of knowledge or a fear of stigma, many people who suffer from anxiety disorders don't seek help. But to live in a state of constant fear can bring a person's entire life to a screeching halt. After assessing data from over 7,000 test-takers, Queendom's data reveal that at least 30% of their sample have consulted a professional about anxiety problem, and that 20% have been diagnosed with an anxiety-related disorder. Eleven percent of Queendom's test-takers were being treated for one of the anxiety disorders at the time they took the assessment. Anxiety is an ongoing problem for many people, and is not limited to those public-speaking jitters or fear of giant spiders. "Anxiety issues, based on our sample, peak at a young age, generally before the age of 18," explains Dr. Jerabek, president of the company. "Generalized anxiety was highest in our youngest age group, and then became less prevalent in older groups. Mood instability and the tendency to ruminate on negative thoughts also tended to be highest in the 18-or-less group, and then dropped slowly with time - although it's important to point out that the majority of our sample scored somewhere in the middle on anxiety and the factors related to anxiety indicated that while this isn't a full-blown problem for most people, anxiety is really quite common and goes mostly untreated." Gender comparisons reveal that women were slightly more likely to experience generalized anxiety, somatic manifestations of anxiety (i.e. tension, digestion problems), mood instability (in the form of psychological distress and mental agitation), and rumination. Rumination appeared to be one of the most common issues that the majority of the sample experienced. "Incessant reflection on what's going wrong with your life and other distressing thoughts can deal some serious damage to your peace of mind," points out Dr. Jerabek. "The more you worry about a problem, even a minor one, the bigger it grows, and so too do the negative feelings associated with it. Individuals with anxiety over-think issues to such a large degree that they create their own waking nightmare." Of the people in Queendom's sample currently being treated for anxiety, the following is an example of the issues they face everyday:
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