Personal Development
Logic vs. Emotions: The Benefits Of Following Your Heart (Part 2)
by Queen D, July 4, 2018
In last week’s blog, I discussed the results of a recent study we conducted at Queendom in which we compared two groups: Emotional “reflectors” are feelers. They are tuned in to their emotions and allow themselves to experience both positive and negative feelings. When making decisions, they may conduct research and use a pro/con list, […]
Personal Development
Logic vs. Emotions: The Benefits Of Following Your Heart (Part 1)
by Queen D, June 27, 2018
I don’t like to compartmentalize myself into a personality type, mostly because my personality is so incredibly hard to pin down. I am an introvert with extroverted tendencies, a cat and dog person, and both sociable and distant. I can go from hysterical laughter to tears in a matter of moments, and while I have […]
Personal Development
What it really means to be “self-aware”
by Queen D, May 30, 2018
Imagine spending a month climbing a sacred mountain, in search of the wise guru who resides in a small monastery at the top. You stretch your hand over the final peak and, drained and exhausted, pull yourself over. You plod ahead, step by painful step, to the monastery doors, your body sore, your lips and […]
Personal Development
A lack of popularity is not as bad as a lack of tact
by Queen D, April 25, 2018
I’ve never quite understood the dynamics of high school, at least not my personal experience. The people who were popular were cruel, two-faced, and hateful, and totally oblivious to the amount of damage that insults and ostracism could do to the self-esteem, the very spirit, of a young, naïve mind. Those, like me, who were […]
Personal Development
The Multiplicity of Empathy
by Queen D, March 21, 2018
I never truly grasped the importance of empathy until I used it with people I didn’t like…OK, that I hated. It’s easy to sympathize with a friend. Got dumped? Yup, I know how you feel, my friend. Don’t get along with your parents? I’m with you, buddy. Life stressing you out? Preach. Love picking on […]
Personal Development
What it means to be a confident woman in 2018
by Queen D, March 8, 2018
The world has a pulse. When tensions are high, you can feel it. But the pulse I am feeling now is different – it’s not tense, it’s like a humming that keeps getting louder, and I can feel it reverberating all over the world. This pulse is the dawning of an age where women are […]
Personal Development
Book Smarts vs. People Smarts: Why EQ may matter more than IQ
by Queen D, February 22, 2018
Without logical intelligence, your ability to reason out problems and find solutions would be limited. Playing Battleship and chess probably wouldn’t be all that fun either. Balancing a budget, doing your taxes, or slaying the beast that is long division is a challenge without mathematical intelligence. Writing a proper email and crossing the street safely […]
Personal Development
Getting to the root of a need for approval
by Queen D, January 10, 2018
Facebook is not just a social media platform; it’s a viable treasure trove of case studies that are absolutely fascinating from a psychological point of view. Here’s one you might be familiar with: The people who post a seemingly infinite amount of selfies, in different outfits, with a variation of contorted “duck faces.” While the […]
Personal Development
New Year, New Approach: What It Takes To Achieve Resolutions
by Queen D, January 3, 2018
If you’re like most people, your new year will start with a fervor. As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, people will raise their glass, bid a bittersweet farewell to the year before, and stridently promise that this year will be the best one yet. They’ll eat healthier, exercise more, and finally lose […]
Personal Development
The Power of Emotions
by Queen D, December 6, 2017
Your emotions are a part of you. You can’t distance yourself from them; you can’t numb yourself to them. Why? Because your emotions are like a text message: Until you heed the message, it will just keep beeping annoyingly. That’s why the pain from past hurts or the fear associated with phobias only dissipates when […]
Personal Development
Humility Lines the Road to Success
by Queen D, July 7, 2017
There have been several memorable “thank you” speeches from athletes, actors, and other award-winners. Adrien Brody’s smooch with Halle Berry after winning the Oscar for “Best Actor”; Roberto Beningni’s chair-leaping; Michael Sam’s speech that brought many to tears, and Nelson Mandela’s powerful oration after winning the Nobel Peace Prize. There is one common thread in […]
Personal Development
It's not just about feelings: Less obvious signs your EQ needs a boost
by Queen D, March 31, 2017
Several years ago, I received an email from someone who had taken our Emotional Intelligence Test on Queendom. He wasn’t very happy that he had scored low on the test, and expressed his discontent by cursing us out and calling us names that I will not reiterate in detail here, as this is generally a […]