Personal Development
Golden Nuggets of Wisdom: Advice for almost any situation (Part 2)
by Queen D, March 24, 2017
In a previous blog, I decided to highlight some of the best pieces of advice we’ve developed at Queendom after 21 years of studying human behavior. Here are some more bits of wisdom: Dealing with emotions and emotional people (i.e. emotional intelligence): Recognize emotions for what they are. We have been taught that emotions are […]
Personal Development
Golden Nuggets of Wisdom: Queendom's best pieces of advice (Part 1)
by Queen D, March 17, 2017
After my car decided to do a little jig at a red light and blink some rather dire warning lights, I found myself having to call for roadside assistance. On the way to my mechanic, the tow trucker inquired as to what I did for a living. “Research and psychometrics is the official title,” I […]
Personal Development
My not-so-optimistic optimism advice
by Queen D, November 18, 2016
I don’t think I’ve ever been a silver-lining kind of person, even as a child. You know how kids always have that “pie-in-the-sky, everything-is-awesome” view of the world? That wasn’t me – at all. I was the Chicken Little, the doomsayer. I was the “OMG-we’re-going-to-get-in-trouble/we’re-all-gonna-die” kid. Try as might, I’m not a very good optimist. […]
Personal Development
Fear of Success: Failure's slightly more attractive but still scary step-sister
by Queen D, October 7, 2016
There are some Psychology theories that will make you sit back and wonder what the heck the theorist was doing when they came up with it. Take Freud’s psychosexual developmental brainchild, the “Electra Complex” and it’s ensuing “penis envy.” I won’t go into detail here, but suffice to say that Freud really didn’t understand women […]
Personal Development
Things we should have learned in school – like Emotional Intelligence
by Queen D, September 30, 2016
To this day, I still can’t understand why we had to learn meteorological terms in school. I had no intention of becoming a weather girl. Besides, weather forecasting is about as accurate as astrology. I remember my teacher pointing at me and asking for the definition of “air pressure.” Despite being one of the smartest […]
Personal Development
Words of wisdom gone wrong
by Queen D, July 28, 2016
Advice is kind of like ordering clothes online: It doesn’t fit everyone, but you’ll only really know if it will work for you if you try it. And like fashion, some words of wisdom go out of style. I always strive to offer practical tips in my blogs, but sometimes, the things I hear people […]
Personal Development
Five signs you should invest in personal growth
by Queen D, June 30, 2016
1) You feel like you’re just going through the motions, existing but not really living. I call this the “running on auto-pilot” feeling. You get up in the morning and go to work because you have to pay your bills. When someone asks how you are, your response is always “fine,” even when you’re not […]
Personal Development
Bet Low, Lose High: The Psychological Basis Of Low Self-Expectations
by Queen D, June 23, 2016
I’ve always found that watching sports with other people adds to the excitement. It infuses the room and everyone in it with a contagious, electric vibe. Playoff time is the only occasion when I am willing to wait an hour for a table in an already overcrowded restaurant with so-so food. I love hearing the […]
Personal Development
There is always someone like you: Life lessons on Queendom
by Queen D, April 29, 2016
Recently, there has been a flood of articles on “consciousness” popping into my news feed on Facebook. Most of them discuss scientists’ attempt to come up with a theory of what it is, how to measure it, and what it means for the rest of us. This is what we love to do in the […]
Personal Development
Bit by the perfectionist bug? More like mauled by the perfectionist lion
by Queen D, April 21, 2016
I was waiting on the far side of the counter at McDonald’s waiting for my tea order. As I leaned against the wall, I noticed that the topmost layer of food trays was slightly askew. I told myself NOT to fix it, even as my obsessively, compulsively directed hand reached out to push the trays […]
Personal Development
Busting emotional myths
by Queen D, March 31, 2016
I cringe when I hear a parent tell a boy (and even a girl) some variation of how crying is wrong. The worst is when they add a religious twist, similar to what I was told as I child when I started crying in church (because I found – and still find – true-to-life statues […]
Personal Development
Mixing the asparagus fork with the cheese fork, and other social faux pas
by Queen D, January 20, 2016
I am honestly dumbfounded by the ease at which people reveal their deepest, most humiliating secrets on one of those second-rate, no-holds-barred talk shows – in front of millions of strangers no less. I can barely speak above a whisper when talking to my pharmacist about bowel issues. This is why I kind of love […]