IQ Grab Bag #3

IQ Grab Bag #3

The following is an assortment of visual IQ questions emphasizing deductive reasoning skills. Please read each question carefully and select the correct answer by clicking on the corresponding button. The answer key will be provided after the quiz is scored. Streeeetch that mind!

Each horizontal row represents a sequence. Can you find the missing part of the 3rd sequence?
Each horizontal row represents a sequence. Can you find the missing part of the 3rd sequence?
Each horizontal row represents a sequence. Can you find the missing part of the 3rd sequence?
Each horizontal row represents a sequence. Can you find the missing part of the 3rd sequence?
Which of the following images completes the continuous sequence (from 1 to 9) pattern shown here?
Nurture creativity by doing routine tasks in different ways, like taking a new route to work.
"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open."
Frank Zappa
The most important work you will ever do is the work you do on yourself.