Love & Relationships

Self-Respect Starts Here: A Guide to Setting Healthy Boundaries

by Queen D, October 9, 2024

You always hear talk show therapists saying, “Set boundaries!” As I’ve gotten older, I’ve slowly but steadily shifted away from my old persona. I used to be the sweet, polite, diplomatic people-pleaser because that’s what I was taught to be and what I thought was the “right” thing to do. Now, while I’m still polite […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being, Personal Development

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Who’s the Most Self-Aware of Them All?

by Queen D, September 6, 2024

Not you, which is why you clicked on this blog. What is this “self-awareness“ I speak of? In simple terms, self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively. It’s like holding up a mirror to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and saying, “Oh, so that’s why I do that!” It’s about understanding your […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

Small Steps, Big Impact: 10 Daily Habits for Better Mental Health

by Queen D, August 27, 2024

Let’s face it—life is a rollercoaster. With all its ups and downs, taking care of your mental health is more important than ever. But here’s the thing: improving your mental well-being doesn’t have to involve major lifestyle overhauls. Sometimes, it’s the small, daily habits that can make the biggest difference. So, let’s dive into 10 […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

Life lessons the pandemic (hopefully) taught us

by Queen D, August 26, 2020

The beginning of 2020 felt just like a Hollywood blockbuster. All those movies we’ve watched about a virus spreading across the world, and experts scrambling to find a cure, became our reality. But there is a silver lining, if you’re willing to look for it. Life’s adversities also offer the opportunity to learn a tough […]

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Personal Development

Why Some People Can’t Accept Compliments

by Queen D, March 4, 2020

To say that Jimi Hendrix has thoroughly earned the honor of being considered one of the greatest guitar players and songwriters of all time is irrefutable. Chances are, however, that even after 50+ years of airplay, Jimi would have modestly dismissed his rock legend status. “I don’t really live on compliments,” he said during an […]

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Love & Relationships

Fathering: It’s not tough love, it’s tough AND loving

by Queen D, June 20, 2019

Sitcoms are not the ideal source of fatherly examples, but if you search for a list of the best TV dads, you’ll see a bunch of often goofy fathers who seem to screw up just as much as their kids. What you’ll also see, however, is that these dads (well, some of them at least) […]

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Love & Relationships

Tomboy or Girly? Parenting differences between traditional and modern moms

by Queen D, May 17, 2019

As a child (and to this day), I’d rank my “girly-ness” at a 5. I played with Barbie, had a tea set, and read a lot of girl-oriented book series. I will also confess that I still thoroughly enjoy getting my nails done and can rock a pair of stilettos. But that’s as far as […]

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Love & Relationships

A collection of Queendom’s best love & sex polls

by Queen D, February 12, 2019

Beauty may be subjective, but love is universal. The thrill of the chase, love at first sight, and tearful break-ups are not limited to cheesy plots in Rom-Coms or romance novels with rugged pirates on the cover. All over the globe, there are people who have found love, are looking for “the one,” or picking […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

The lies depression will tell you (Part 3)

by Queen D, July 26, 2018

Let’s continue our discussion (from here and here) on how depression, can change the content and trajectory of your thoughts. Here are some of the lies that your depression might be telling you: “The world is a cruel place.” I will not sugarcoat the truth: The fact is that some people can be inexplicably and […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

The lies depression will tell you (Part 2)

by Queen D, July 18, 2018

In last week’s blog, I began a discussion on how depression can twist your thoughts around. I know the emotional, psychological, and physical struggle that depression can be. Finding your way through depression is like trying to find the light switch in a dark room; trying to sort through the “depression” thoughts and the “real” […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

The lies depression will tell you (Part 1)

by Queen D, July 12, 2018

I am in a constant battle with my mind. It’s like that iconic scene you’ll see in all western movies: Scene: High noon. Two cowboys stand a few yards apart, staring each other down. A tumbleweed rolls across the screen. Me: It’s time for us to stop this feud. We’re not enemies. My mind: Go […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

“I deserve love”: Three simple words that are hard to say

by Queen D, June 20, 2018

A few years ago I was watching an old documentary on YouTube featuring motivational speaker Louise Hay. She walked across the stage, turned to the studio audience, and then asked them to take out the mirror that she had requested they bring along with them. With mirror in hand, the audience was then told to […]

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