Mental Health & Well-Being
A Means to a Selfish End: The impact of narcissism on honesty
by Queen D, March 26, 2019
Narcissists are not easy to spot, at least not right away. Well, the only exception might be (allegedly) Henry VIII, Napoleon, Madonna, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian (or let’s face it, any of the Kardashians), and the POTUS. But a lot of narcissists don’t realize they’re narcissists, which can sometimes make them difficult to identify. […]
Love & Relationships
Cupid hath spoken! A sample of Queendom’s best love & sex polls
by Queen D, February 12, 2019
Beauty may be subjective, but love is universal. The thrill of the chase, love at first sight, and tearful break-ups are not limited to cheesy plots in Rom-Coms or romance novels with rugged pirates on the cover. All over the globe, there are people who have found love, are looking for “the one,” or picking […]
Personal Development
Making resolutions that matter
by Queen D, January 8, 2019
For the past few (several) years now, I’ve made resolutions. “This is it,” I’ll say to myself. “This is the year I lose a few pounds, exercise more, get everything my heart desires, and become more enlightened. I’m also going to make it my goal to worry less and have more fun. This is my […]
What kind of people are “givers”?
by Queen D, December 18, 2018
Are you the type of person who: Regularly buys gifts for people without expecting anything in return? Throws dinner parties for every friend’s birthday? Pays everyone’s bill at a fancy restaurant when it’s your birthday? My friend does all three. If you try to pay her back for her kindness, she will get really, really angry. […]
Personal Development
The Power of Trust (Part 2)
by Queen D, November 23, 2018
In a previous blog, I started discussing the results of a study we conducted at Queendom where we compared the differences between the following groups: People who distrust everyone People who trust others conditionally People who are willing to trust others completely What we discovered in the first half of our study was that our […]
Attitude & Lifestyle
Believing in the Unseen: How paranormal belief can be an open portal
by Queen D, October 19, 2018
It takes an open mind to believe in a supernatural power, be it a divine being, the universe, Mother Nature, or the higher self. However, according to research we conducted at Queendom, people who are open to the possibility of a supernatural essence don’t limit themselves to strictly religious or spiritual beliefs. They are, in […]
Personal Development
The Power of Trust (Part 1)
by Queen D, September 7, 2018
Trust is a fragile thing. It takes time to build, and if you’re anything like me, it could take years. I generally don’t take anyone’s words at face value. It doesn’t matter how many times you assure me that you are trustworthy; it is your actions that will convince me, for better or for worse. […]
Personal Development
This is why we need to learn to let go of the little things (Part 2)
by Queen D, August 29, 2018
How much would it bother you if someone took your parking space, didn’t like “like” your post on Facebook, or interrupted you when you are clearly in the process of reading a book? Indifferent, mildly annoyed, infuriated, or vengeful? I choose all of the above. Then again, I am not a very Zen-like person…but let […]
Personal Development
This is why we need to learn to let go of the little things (Part 1)
by Queen D, August 22, 2018
I know I shouldn’t make a big deal of minor annoyances. Intellectually, I fully grasp the absurdity of it. In fact, I often say to myself, “Who else but me would find this is maddening? Probably no one.” I…just…can’t…help it! For example: When people put utensils away by simply throwing them in the drawer, so […]
I am awesomeness: Characteristics of people who like themselves (Part 2)
by Queen D, August 15, 2018
In last week’s blog, I began discussing the results of a study we conducted at Queendom: What are the characteristics of people who truly like themselves? What traits do they possess? How do they differ from people who don’t like themselves? Here’s what the study revealed: (Note: Scores range on a scale from 0 to […]
I am awesomeness: Characteristics of people who like themselves (Part 1)
by Queen D, August 10, 2018
“I think I’m going to change my last name to Awesomeface,” my brother said to me one night. I smirked. “Do I dare ask why?” “Isn’t it obvious?” he asked. “I’m awesome.” My brother didn’t always present himself with the air of confidence that he has in spades now. I can remember only a few […]
Personal Development
What an unwillingness to forgive says about YOU
by Queen D, August 3, 2018
I don’t think I possess the capacity to hold grudges. I mean that literally, in terms of quantity, space, dimensions. This is because the volume of emotions I feel on a regular basis leaves little room for anything else. I am ballooning with pent-up feelings. I also don’t hold grudges because even when I’ve been […]