Personal Development
Words of wisdom that are not so very wise
by Queen D, July 28, 2016
Advice is kind of like ordering a pair of pants online: It won’t fit everyone, but you’ll only really know if it will work for you if you try it. And like fashion, some words of wisdom go out of style. I always strive to offer practical tips in my blogs, but sometimes the things […]
Personal Development
Five signs you should focus on personal growth
by Queen D, June 30, 2016
1. You feel like you’re just going through the motions. You’re existing, not living. I call this the “running on auto-pilot” feeling. You get up in the morning and go to work because you have to pay your bills. When someone asks how you are, your response is always “fine,” even when you’re not fine. […]
Attitude & Lifestyle
The Psychology of Being Human: New Findings (Part 2)
by Queen D, May 11, 2016
In a previous blog, I was highlighting some of the most interesting results of the studies I have conducted at Queendom in the last 20+ years. Check out these smash hits: #11 – Life satisfaction is not just about what’s in your bank account. Here’s what data from Queendom’s Life Satisfaction Test reveals about people […]
The Psychology of Being Human: New Findings (Part 1)
by Queen D, May 5, 2016
We’re all a little quirky. There is no “normal,” just many, many variations of “normal.” While doomsday theorists and philosophers might bemoan the fact that we’re destined to repeat the past, I find that I am always pleasantly surprised by some of the interesting results I uncover in my research. We may not be perfect, […]
Mental Health & Well-Being
There is always someone like you: Life lessons on Queendom
by Queen D, April 29, 2016
Recently, there has been a flood of articles on “consciousness” popping into my newsfeed on Facebook. Most of them discuss scientists’ attempt to come up with a theory of what it is, how to measure it, and what it means for the rest of us. This is what we love to do in the research […]
Love & Relationships
Three ways to create a better relationship with your children—without using ice cream
by Queen D, February 3, 2016
I can’t bring myself to watch most reality shows—they make me shudder, like when I see a spider or smell milk that has gone bad. In particular, I am thinking of the reality shows where the little girls are dolled up to be pageant princesses or the one where the parents are raising a biblical amount […]
Personal Development
Mixing the asparagus fork with the cheese fork—and other social faux pas
by Queen D, January 20, 2016
I am honestly dumbfounded by the ease at which people reveal their deepest, most humiliating secrets on one of those second-rate, no-holds-barred talk shows—in front of millions of strangers no less. I can barely speak above a whisper when talking to my pharmacist about bowel issues. This is why I kind of love the whole […]
Attitude & Lifestyle
Funny holiday traditions every family should start
by Queen D, December 23, 2015
Here’s a brief description of my typical Christmas Eve: I’m all for heartwarming traditions, but this year, I’m thinking of introducing a few new ones. Feel free to try them out too. (Disclaimer: I’m kidding. Don’t try these at home). The “Leave your issues at the door” Protocol Mix family dinners and eggnog and you’ve […]
Personal Development
A case for selfishness (or a little less kindness)
by Queen D, December 16, 2015
Saturday afternoon, I watched my hairdresser as she flitted around getting my “recipe” ready. She seemed different: Her step was lighter, her head a little higher, her smile less strained. “The energy here is different,” I noted. “You like it here.” I swept my eyes across the room. There was a Christmas tree in the […]
Mental Health & Well-Being
Shop Smart, Save Hard: Lessons from Money-Savvy Shoppers
by Queen D, November 4, 2015
Obsessive shoppers fascinate me, particularly those who shop for luxury items even when they can’t afford to. Why do they do it? Because shopping is like any other addiction: You know it’s not healthy but you just can’t help yourself. When a friend turned 30, she decided she wanted to party in style, so she […]
Mental Health & Well-Being
Survive Anything with These 3 Coping Skills – No Cookie Dough Required
by Queen D, October 14, 2015
Under stressful circumstances, I lose my appetite. I’ve admitted more than once that I’m an emotional eater (I heart you, french fries), but emotional eating isn’t limited to those times when you’re feeling depressed, anxious, and utterly unlovable. I eat when I’m bored and when there’s a psychologically empty space in my soul that needs […]
Personal Development
Funny signs you need a new therapist
by Queen D, September 11, 2015
I never really joke about therapy. I think it can be extremely useful, especially since some doctors are a little trigger happy when it comes to doling out prescriptions. I don’t oppose drug therapy. If a person is suffering from a debilitating disorder, medication is often required to help the person achieve a degree of psychological balance. But […]