
Why do people avoid asking for help?

by Queen D, April 11, 2018

It’s a question I often ask of myself. I have the luxury of having at least a few close friends and family members who I can talk to when I am going through a difficult time. I did so just last week – but I also found myself hesitating, my finger hovering over the call […]

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Attitude & Lifestyle

Optimist, pessimist, or realist? The advantages & disadvantages of different outlooks

by Queen D, April 4, 2018

Whenever I think of optimists, an image of a group of hippies pops into my head. They’re in a field, wearing flowers in their hair, singing with the birds as butterflies land on their fingertips. They’re airy and carefree, blissfully unaware of the problems going on in the world. Pessimists, on the other hand, dredge […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

Don’t react well to failure? Blame your parents (a little)

by Queen D, March 28, 2018

Yes, regular readers of my blog know I don’t advocate blame. Parenting style does have a major impact on a child’s development, but you can’t spend the rest of your life blaming your parents for your hang-ups or unhappiness. At some point, you have to take full control of your personal growth. However, I write […]

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Personal Development

The Multiplicity of Empathy

by Queen D, March 21, 2018

I never truly grasped the importance of empathy until I used it with people I didn’t like…OK, that I hated. It’s easy to sympathize with a friend. Got dumped? Yup, I know how you feel, my friend. Don’t get along with your parents? I’m with you, buddy. Life stressing you out? Preach. Love picking on […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

Self-esteem affects everything you are & everything you do (Part 2)

by Queen D, March 14, 2018

In a previous blog, we started looking at the substantial impact that self-esteem has on every aspect of your character – your view of the world, your attitude, your ability to assert yourself, be independent, motivate yourself, and handle your emotions. Here are some additional factors that can be enhanced by working on your self-esteem…or […]

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Personal Development

What it means to be a confident woman in 2018

by Queen D, March 8, 2018

The world has a pulse. When tensions are high, you can feel it. But the pulse I am feeling now is different – it’s not tense, it’s like a humming that keeps getting louder, and I can feel it reverberating all over the world. This pulse is the dawning of an age where women are […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

Self-esteem affects everything you are & everything you do (Part 1)

by Queen D, March 1, 2018

I know your resolutions for 2018 probably revolve around doing stuff better this year. Eating healthier, breaking a bad habit, losing weight, trying to be a better person, going after that dream that’s been sitting on a dusty shelf at the back of your mind, and attempting to get along with your mother or mother-in-law, […]

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Personal Development

Book Smarts vs. People Smarts: Why EQ may matter more than IQ

by Queen D, February 22, 2018

Without logical intelligence, your ability to reason out problems and find solutions would be limited. Playing Battleship and chess probably wouldn’t be all that fun either. Balancing a budget, doing your taxes, or slaying the beast that is long division is a challenge without mathematical intelligence. Writing a proper email and crossing the street safely […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

What people with high self-esteem do and don’t do

by Queen D, February 14, 2018

It bothers me to no end when a woman short-changes herself – maybe because I do it to myself fairly often. More specifically, I have an acquaintance who has refused to date anyone for the past decade because she still pines for someone…who used her and tossed her aside (and slept with one of her […]

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Love & Relationships

“Single & Happy” is not an oxymoron

by Queen D, February 7, 2018

“It’s that time of year again,” I said to a friend as we strolled through a department store filled with pink hearts, giant teddy bears, and so much chocolate I honestly felt a little nauseous. “It even smells pink and red. Can you smell colors?” She laughed. “Another holiday that’s been commercialized to death. Just […]

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Love & Relationships

Popularity and likeability start from within

by Queen D, January 25, 2018

I can almost always predict the results of the studies we conduct at Queendom before we actually conduct them. Years of researching human behavior has given me keen insight on our nature – what motivates us, what we value, what peeves us off. But our latest study on the role of emotional intelligence on popularity […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

Surviving and Thriving: The 3 C's of mental toughness

by Queen D, January 17, 2018

Any story that starts with “In my time…” will no doubt lead to a lecture on how older houses, older cars, and older generations were made of sterner stuff. After all, most grandparents and great-grandparents alive today likely lived through at least one war and/or one major economic crisis, often surviving through sheer will and […]

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