Attitude & Lifestyle
What it means to be an individual in a world that wants you to conform
by Queen D, June 6, 2018
It was only recently that my brother, ever so reluctantly, joined Facebook for the first time. It was the cheapest way for us to stay in contact while he took on a job on the other end of the globe. Social media isn’t his thing. Brand names aren’t his thing. Mainstream television is not his […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
A shopping addiction isn’t just a money problem
by Queen D, May 16, 2018
It’s hard for me to pin down the exact reason why I hate shopping. I think it’s a combination of the crowds, the lack of parking, the pushy salespeople, and the need to part with my hard-earned cash. Don’t mistake this for miserliness – I spend more on other people than I do on myself. […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
The Morning Pep Talk: Words we should all wake up to
by Queen D, April 20, 2018
For some it’s coffee. For others it’s a vigorous workout. For most of us, however, a morning ritual consists of the simple matter of trying to find a reason to roll out of bed. We all have a higher self, whether you call it your soul, inner being, God, your conscience, consciousness or the universe. […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
Ghosts, Aliens, And Apocalyptic Destruction: Top 10 Superstitions That Refuse To Die
by Queen D, October 27, 2017
With the enduring popularity of paranormal reality show, people of the 21st century have a ceaseless inquisitiveness for anything outside the ever-stretching boundaries of “normal.” We can’t help it; we are curious creatures, drawn by the dizzying excitement of the unknown. The fear of what lay in distant waters did not deter early explorers and […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
Why it might be better to be an optimist
by Queen D, April 20, 2017
I recently watched (re-watched) the episode of The Simpsons where Homer tries to scam people out of money with a telemarketing auto-dialer. The phone message was as follows: “Greetings, friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you’ve got the power inside you right now. So, use it, and send one dollar […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
What are they doing right? The secrets of happy people
by Queen D, February 3, 2017
“What am I doing wrong?” It’s my little habit. I’ll drag myself to bed after falling asleep in front of the TV, hopeful that it’ll be one of those rare nights where I’ll actually sleep through without waking up. But there I was, wide awake, staring at the ceiling, my cat a furry bump under […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
Are attitudes toward women progressing or regressing?
by Queen D, December 9, 2016
“The women who follows the crowed will usually go no further that the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.” Albert Einstein When I looked at data from men who took Queendom’s Gender Roles Test, I noticed a mix of traditional, old-school attitudes […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
The Psychology of Being Human: New Findings (Part 2)
by Queen D, May 11, 2016
In a previous blog, I was highlighting some of the most interesting results of the studies I have conducted at Queendom in the last 20+ years. Check out these smash hits: #11 – Life satisfaction is not just about what’s in your bank account. Here’s what data from Queendom’s Life Satisfaction Test reveals about people […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
Funny holiday traditions every family should start
by Queen D, December 23, 2015
Here’s a brief description of my typical Christmas Eve: I’m all for heartwarming traditions, but this year, I’m thinking of introducing a few new ones. Feel free to try them out too. (Disclaimer: I’m kidding. Don’t try these at home). The “Leave your issues at the door” Protocol Mix family dinners and eggnog and you’ve […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
From Weird to Wonderful: Stats That Reveal Our Humanity
by Queen D, August 20, 2015
A lot of experimenters hate it when their theories don’t stand up to research, which is understandable. Personally, I love to be pleasantly surprised. I like it when my studies at Queendom reveal the unexpected. Like just recently, when a study I conducted on gender roles indicated that younger men adopt more traditional beliefs, while […]

Attitude & Lifestyle
Can make your own luck?
by Queen D, June 25, 2014
I’ve read oodles of stories about people who just seem to attract the most fortuitous circumstances. I read about a woman who always seems to know which slot machines at a casino will be paying out. Or a guy who needed to buy a ticket home but didn’t have enough money. He lined up at […]