Personal Development

Fries – and other ways to train yourself to be more positive

by Queen D, June 19, 2014

I’ve been on an optimistic stint. Not because I’ve developed a serious case of Pollyannitis, but because the stress of the past month has required a personal intervention. So I’ve been scouring the internet for tips on boosting optimism and encouraging positive thinking and I can offer you this guarantee: If I, a stubborn, pessimistic […]

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Mental Health & Well-Being

Handling Stress with Finesse

by Queen D, December 19, 2012

(I so cleverly reserved this blog topic for the holidays – because you know you’re going to need it!) I’ve often heard people say that stress is “just a part of life.” If you tell them that things are hectic at work or at home, they’ll likely nod their head sympathetically and then offer some […]

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