Top 5 Queendom Tests

Top Five Professional Tests

Sex Personality Test

Got Sex Appeal? Do you do wild things in the bedroom or are you tame? Do you talk about sex without inhibitions or are you shy about sex? Take the Sex Personality Test to find out how you compare!

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Procrastination Test

Do you procrastinate? Are you a procrastinator due to lack of self-discipline or poor self-esteem? Learn why you procrastinate with the Procrastination Test; get tips on how to stop procrastinating.

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Anger Management Test

Anger Management Test spots anger control issues from passive aggression to violent behavior. Anger management tips show how to control anger & deal with angry emotions & behavior constructively.

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Nursing Aptitude Test

Nursing is one of the most physically, emotionally, and psychologically demanding fields - but it also has the potential to be very rewarding, both on a personal and altruistic level. Find out if you have the traits needed to succeed in nursing.

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Emotional Intelligence Test

Take the Emotional Intelligence Test to find your EQ and get tips on improving emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is important for leadership, relationships at work and in personal life.

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Top Five Just-For-Fun tests

The Annoying Influencer Test

Do you use every outing as an opportunity to take photos for your followers, much to the dismay and irritation of the people who are with you? What matters more to you, likes or integrity? Take this test!

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The Good Host Test

Are you a good host? Do you know how to make someone feel welcome or do people avoid your parties like the plague? Find out if you can boast about being the best host!

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The Clingy Test

Do you cling to your partner like an octopus? Have difficulty give him or her space? Find out if your warm embrace of love is a little too tight!

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The Naughty or Nice Test

Do you have a bit of a bad boy/girl streak in you? Are you good at being bad? Find out which side of Santa's list you belong on with The Naughty or Nice Test!

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The Devotion Test

Are you a loyal friend? Can your family depend on you whenever they need you? Do you prefer looking out only for Number One? Find out how faithful you are to your loved ones with The Devotion Test.

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Top Five Polls & Surveys

Do you believe in destiny?

Have you ever taken the time to sit down and really think about what matters to you? Now's your chance! Assess your priorities with these polls.

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How much time do you typically spend making yourself look presentable in the morning (showering, styling your hair, makeup, shaving, etc.)?

Have you ever wondered whether anyone else does the quirky things you do? Here's your chance to find out! Vote on these fun polls!

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Who do you think has it easier in life, men or women?

Are your views modern or old-fashioned? How do you feel about being with a partner who makes more money than you? Share your opinion!

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How do you feel about pre-marital sex?

Love is universal...and so are relationship problems! Where do you stand on staying friends with an ex or on pre-marital sex? Vote here!

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If you could indulge in one of the following TONIGHT, which would you choose?

On-the-spot decisions can offer a lot of insight into your true values, priorities, and desires. Lay it on the line with these insightful polls!

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Appreciate everything you have, no matter how minor it may seem.
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi
Don't underestimate the power of imagination. It takes you places that money cannot buy a ticket to.