Try these polls!
Gender Roles
How should money be divided in a committed relationship in which both partners have income?
VotePoll Categories
Beliefs and Values
Have you ever taken the time to sit down and really think about what matters to you? Now's your chance! Assess your priorities with these polls.
Habits & Quirks
Have you ever wondered whether anyone else does the quirky things you do? Here's your chance to find out! Vote on these fun polls!
Gender Roles
Are your views modern or old-fashioned? How do you feel about being with a partner who makes more money than you? Share your opinion!
- Who do you think has it easier in life, men or women?
- How do you feel about leg and underarm hair on a woman?
- How should money be divided in a committed relationship in which both partners have income?
- How do you feel (or would you feel) about having a partner who is more intelligent than you?
Love & Sex
Love is universal...and so are relationship problems! Where do you stand on staying friends with an ex or on pre-marital sex? Vote here!
What Ifs
On-the-spot decisions can offer a lot of insight into your true values, priorities, and desires. Lay it on the line with these insightful polls!
- If you could indulge in one of the following TONIGHT, which would you choose?
- If there was one thing you could get more of in your life, what would it be?
- If the person you are currently in a relationship with suggested that the two of you get married tomorrow, would you say yes?
- If you suspected your partner was cheating on you, would you hire a private detective to find out the truth?
World Issues & Politics
How would you run the world if you were in charge? Which laws would you abolish and which would you enforce? Cast your vote!
Deep Insights
Compared to other people, where would you rank yourself on a "normal" scale? Engage in a little introspection with these profound polls.