World Issues & Politics

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Check out our latest polls:

  • What should determine the ethical standards of a society?

  • How patriotic are you?

  • What's your take on adoption services over the internet?

  • Do you think terminally ill patients should have the right to request doctor-assisted suicide?

  • What do you think of the death penalty?

Top five polls

Top five

Take a look at our most popular polls:

  • What do you see as the BIGGEST problem facing western society today?

  • What is your take on adoption by gay couples?

  • How do you feel about altering an unborn child's physical and mental characteristics through genetics?

  • How patriotic are you?

  • What should determine the ethical standards of a society?



Your opinion counts - so let your voice be heard! Queendom Surveys cover a wide range of topics - from health to relationships, intriguing "what if" scenarios and more. Submit your opinion or read the results of past surveys.

  • What do you think the Olympics represent today?

  • How patriotic are you?

  • What's your take on adoption services over the internet?

  • Do you think terminally ill patients should have the right to request doctor-assisted suicide?

  • What do you think of the death penalty?

Remember, logic can only take you so far. Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut.
"I never use a napkin on my lap at a restaurant because I believe in myself."
Hannibal Buress
Everyone has something about them that makes them special.