Habits & Quirks

New tests


Check out our latest polls:

  • How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions?

  • Do you sleep in the buff?

  • What's your main activity when you have free time at home?

  • Do you lie about your weight?

  • What is your most dreaded household chore?

Top five polls

Top five

Take a look at our most popular polls:

  • How often do you typically change your underwear?

  • How much time do you typically spend making yourself look presentable in the morning (showering, drying/styling your hair, makeup/shaving, etc.)?

  • What is your most dreaded household chore?

  • Do you sleep in the buff?

  • What's your main activity when you have free time at home?



Your opinion counts - so let your voice be heard! Queendom Surveys cover a wide range of topics - from health to relationships, intriguing "what if" scenarios and more. Submit your opinion or read the results of past surveys.

  • How much time do you typically spend making yourself look presentable in the morning (showering, drying/styling your hair, makeup/shaving, etc.)?

  • Do you sleep in the buff?

  • What's your main activity when you have free time at home?

  • Do you lie about your weight?

  • What is your most dreaded household chore?

Like stairs, problems and goals must be approached one step at a time.
"You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there."
Author Unknown
If you had allowed failure to deter you, you'd still be crawling on all fours.