Gender Roles

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Check out our latest polls:

  • Who do you think has it easier in life, men or women?

  • How do you feel about leg and underarm hair on a woman?

  • How should money be divided in a committed relationship in which both partners have income?

  • How do you feel (or would you feel) about having a partner who is more intelligent than you?

  • Who is the main decision-maker in your relationship?

Top five polls

Top five

Take a look at our most popular polls:

  • How do you feel about leg and underarm hair on a woman?

  • How do you feel (or would you feel) about having a partner who is more intelligent than you?

  • Who do you think has it easier in life, men or women?

  • Who is the main decision-maker in your relationship?

  • How should money be divided in a committed relationship in which both partners have income?



Your opinion counts - so let your voice be heard! Queendom Surveys cover a wide range of topics - from health to relationships, intriguing "what if" scenarios and more. Submit your opinion or read the results of past surveys.

  • Who do you think has it easier in life, men or women?

  • How do you feel about leg and underarm hair on a woman?

  • How should money be divided in a committed relationship in which both partners have income?

  • How do you feel (or would you feel) about having a partner who is more intelligent than you?

  • Who is the main decision-maker in your relationship?

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"The most sacred place in the world is in your mind. Guard it ferociously."
Rick Beneteau
Don't waste your time on regret.