Pornography & Striptease

New tests


Check out our latest polls:


    Have you ever been in a strip club with female dancers?


    Have you ever been in a strip club with male dancers?

  • Which of the following turn-on aids do you prefer?

  • Which strip clubs do you prefer?

  • Do you read erotic/pornographic literature (without explicit pictures)?

  • How do the pictures or images of naked men in pornography make you feel about yourself as a lover?

Top five polls

Top five

Take a look at our most popular polls:

  • Do you watch hard-core porno movies to get in the mood before having sex with your partner?

  • Have you ever intentionally visited an online porno site?

  • How do you prefer to watch porno movies?

  • How do the pictures or images of naked men in pornography make you feel about yourself as a lover?

  • Does porno turn you on?



Your opinion counts - so let your voice be heard! Queendom Surveys cover a wide range of topics - from health to relationships, intriguing "what if" scenarios and more. Submit your opinion or read the results of past surveys.

  • Would you date an ex-porno star?

  • Which of the following turn-on aids do you prefer?

  • Which strip clubs do you prefer?

  • Do you read erotic/pornographic literature (without explicit pictures)?

  • How do the pictures or images of naked men in pornography make you feel about yourself as a lover?


    Have you ever been in a strip club with female dancers?


    Have you ever been in a strip club with male dancers?

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"A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure."
Author Unknown
Guilt is a waste of energy. Acknowledge your mistakes, make amends, make peace with yourself, and move on.