Cure for Antisocial Personality Disorder?

Cure for Antisocial Personality Disorder?


your avatar   DC Moon

I understand that there is no effective treatment for ASPD in adults. However, I have run across one article that does describe a success story. I am interested in any information I can find on any treatment suggestions and outcomes.


    Bob Rich, Ph.D.

Dear Mr. Moon,

You don't say so in your short note, but I assume you are the person diagnosed as suffering from 'Antisocial Personality Disorder'. I hate such labels. They can be both a prison and a copout. I presume that, ever since your early teens, you have engaged in acts that society frowns on, and have felt no remorse and guilt. Somewhere along the line, a psychiatrist decided that you were doing these things 'because' you 'are' ASPD. And ever after, anyone who knew of this diagnosis has expected you to continue with antisocial activity. Most importantly, YOU knew of the diagnosis, and had this expectation. That's what I mean by saying that a label can be a prison.

It is also a copout, because if you didn't have the diagnosis, you couldn't use it as an excuse. What you have, is a set of learnt behaviors-- habits. Habits are hard to break, sure. But the only way to break them is to try. And what's the use of trying if you know that your soul is forever crippled by ASPD? So the diagnosis has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. There is hope.

Why did you come to Queendom, and leave your question? I must assume, it's because you want to change. And that is the ONLY requirement for the attempt to be successful. Your soul is NOT crippled. You do NOT have a life sentence. A so-called Personality Disorder is a situation where, as a child, a person failed to learn certain essential skills and attitudes, and/or learnt counter-productive ones. Habits picked up in early childhood are hard to break, and adults are slower to learn than little children are. So, changing such habits of thought and emotion is difficult. It only becomes impossible if the label stops the sufferer from trying.

ASPD is not a PART of you, but a BURDEN you are carrying. Very well, fight this monster. The ideal approach is called NARRATIVE THERAPY. Find a psychologist or social worker near you who practices it, and I am confident that you will make real progress in a shorter time than you'd believe. If you can't find such a person, I may be able to help you via internet counseling. However, face-to-face is better.

How does Narrative Therapy work? Find answers to questions like:

  • During the past week or so, has there been an occasion when ASPD wanted me to do something nasty, but I resisted?
  • What have I done today that made ASPD have less influence on my life?
  • In what way has ASPD managed to spoil my life in the past?
  • What have the benefits to me been? As a person ruled by ASPD, what have I gained that I would have missed out on otherwise? Can I somehow giveback these bribes from ASPD, or make restitution, so that next time I'm not tempted to listen to the whisperings on ASPD?
  • Who in my teenage years had faith in me? Would s/he be surprised that I am now fighting back against ASPD?
  • What will life be like for me when I no longer have ASPD pestering me?

And so on. Get the idea? Through agonizing, finding answers to many questions like this, you gradually gather evidence that it is a LIE that you are a crippled soul. You are a person with a serious problem. Problems can be solved.

Good luck,

Bob Rich

This question was answered by Dr. Bob Rich. Dr. Rich has 30+ years of experience as a psychotherapist. Dr. Rich is also a writer and a "mudsmith". Bob is now retired from psychological practice, but still works with people as a counselor.For more information visit:

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