Why do I lie?

Why do I lie?


your avatar   Confused (20 year-old man)

I'm a 22-year-old chef in a relationship for 7 months now. My older brother is a pathological liar. I myself lie to my girlfriend over the smallest thing, because I'm scared of losing her if I do something wrong. I want help and want to cure my problem because I love her and want to be with her forever. She treats me so well and I treat her well in return. However, there are times where I will say something, and then change the story 10 minutes later.

What can I do to stop this? Please help me.


    Tina Reed, MA, LPC

Dear Confused,

If you and your girlfriend are engaged in such a special relationship, don't you think that she would rather know the real you? If you let her know who you really are, rather than telling her lies, I am sure that she will love you even more. If, however, she does not love the real you, then ask yourself if the relationship is really worth it.

All long-lasting relationships are always based upon open and honest communication. Otherwise, the relationship you are building is based upon lies and therefore, is not real. Honest communication is difficult, I know, but it is worth the effort in the long run. Best of luck to you and your special someone.

This question was answered by Tina Reed, MA, LPC. Tina is a licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Illinois, and is also certified by the National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice.For more information visit: http://members.tripod.com/~mothereagle/Therapy.html

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