Married but love someone else

Married but love someone else


your avatar   Mary, 42-year-old woman

I'm African American, 42, and have lived in Texas all my life. My problem is that I'm married but in love with someone else. My husband and I separated for a year, got a divorce, and now we are married again. During the time we were separated I met someone else, fell in love with this person and then left him - he couldn't give me the things that my ex could. I really love this other man and I can't stop thinking about him. Could you please give me some advice?


    Tina Reed, MA, LPC

Dear Mary:

If you truly have feelings for this other man, then you need to be honest with your husband. Otherwise, you have married him under false pretenses (i.e., loving another but marrying someone different). This type of relationship is not fair to you or him. If you knew you were in love with this other man before you married, then you should have reconsidered your present marriage. Staying married or getting married to someone just because of material gain is not a real relationship.

Good luck,

Tina Reed, MA, LPC

This question was answered by Tina Reed, MA, LPC. Tina is a licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Illinois, and is also certified by the National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice.For more information visit:

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