No One Said It Would Be Easy!

"Yesterday's failures are today's seeds that must be diligently planted to be able to abundantly harvest tomorrow's success."
- Pete Zafra

No One Said It Would Be Easy!

Achieving a goal would mean very little if it happened at the snap of a finger. Although rejection and setbacks may be painful, try to look at them as inevitable steps towards your final destination. (Even if you're not exactly sure what that is.) Essentially, when something flops it is increasing your chances of getting it right the next time. Imagine you've failed in a relationship, for example. It may hurt like heck, but try to gain some insight from its demise. How did you contribute to the problem? If you honestly feel you didn't, then assess what you learned - things you shouldn't have compromised, or the fact that you've developed a stronger shell. If we repeat the same mistakes time and time again, we're bound to get the same results. But if we take a close look at the past and use the knowledge we gained to move forward, then it was all worth it in the end.

by T.L. Scribe

Spend 15 minutes every evening tidying up your work space.
"If someone tells you, 'You can't' they really mean, 'I can't'."
Sean Stephenson
Remember, negative expectations create self-fulfilling prophecies.