"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
- Aldous Huxley

The Face in the Mirror

It's easy for us to scrutinize the people in our lives, whether it's our friends, siblings, or parents, and decide how they should change. We think our neighbor gossips too much, our brother is too money-hungry, or our pal is too clingy. More dangerous, however, is when we take this finger-pointing so far as to blame our own unhappiness on other people's actions. If only our boss would be less critical or our love interest would treat us better, then everything in our life would be perfect, right?

Wrong! The problem with this mentality is that you just might wait a lifetime for other people to change. Do you really want to put your life on hold in hopes that they'll get it together eventually? The only person you are able to improve is, in fact, the person in the mirror. Think about how your own actions (or lack of action!) and thoughts are contributing to the problems in your life. Is there a way that you can alter your reactions to the people who frustrate you, or depend less on them (and more on yourself) to be happy? The outcome of your life ultimately lies in your own hands!

by T.L. Scribe

Determination is admirable, struggling isn't.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
I am are two of the most powerful words, because what you put after them shapes your reality.