Pornography & Striptease

New tests


Check out our latest polls:


    Have you ever been in a strip club with female dancers?


    Have you ever been in a strip club with male dancers?

  • Which of the following turn-on aids do you prefer?

  • Which strip clubs do you prefer?

  • Do you read erotic/pornographic literature (without explicit pictures)?

  • How do the pictures or images of naked men in pornography make you feel about yourself as a lover?

Top five polls

Top five

Take a look at our most popular polls:

  • Do you watch hard-core porno movies to get in the mood before having sex with your partner?

  • Have you ever intentionally visited an online porno site?

  • How do you prefer to watch porno movies?

  • How do the pictures or images of naked men in pornography make you feel about yourself as a lover?

  • Does porno turn you on?



Your opinion counts - so let your voice be heard! Queendom Surveys cover a wide range of topics - from health to relationships, intriguing "what if" scenarios and more. Submit your opinion or read the results of past surveys.

  • Would you date an ex-porno star?

  • Which of the following turn-on aids do you prefer?

  • Which strip clubs do you prefer?

  • Do you read erotic/pornographic literature (without explicit pictures)?

  • How do the pictures or images of naked men in pornography make you feel about yourself as a lover?


    Have you ever been in a strip club with female dancers?


    Have you ever been in a strip club with male dancers?

Listen carefully to self-defeating thoughts and then argue against them.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix
Take that dream you've put aside, dust it off, and make it come true.