Team Roles Test

Team Roles Test

  •  Number of questions:  43 
  •  More info
  •  Test duration:  40 min
Scientifically Validated

Do you have what it takes to be a good team member? Which role would you feel most comfortable in when working with others? Although there are a variety of roles you can adopt when working on a team, each has their pros and cons. In addition, each member must possess certain competencies, such as good communication skills and the ability to monitor progress. The revised Team Roles Test will not only provide you with information about the role(s) that would suit you best, but it will also assess whether you possess the skills and abilities necessary for productive teamwork.

Please review the instructions on each page for information about how to answer the questions in that section. Answer as honestly as possible in order to receive accurate results.

After finishing the test, you will receive a Snapshot Report with an introduction, and a personalized interpretation for one of your team role preferences. You will then have the option to purchase the full results.

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Not all introverts are anti-social, not all extroverts are self-involved.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix
Don't value yourself based on what other people think of you. You worth is incalculable.