College Athlete Success Evaluation (C.A.S.E.) - Individual Sports

College Athlete Success Evaluation (C.A.S.E.) - Individual Sports

  •  Number of questions:  123 
  •  More info
  •  Test duration:  30 min
Scientifically Validated

It takes more than just skill to succeed as an athlete in college. Aside from athletic pursuits, college students in sports also need to maintain their grades, or they risk both academic and athletic consequences. Such is the mental burden of college athletes. The purpose of this assessment is to assess whether you have the personality traits needed to succeed in this complex dynamic.

Read each question carefully and indicate which of the given options best applies to you, or which you identify with the most. Select answer choices that reflect how you usually feel or act - those that most accurately describe your general feelings or behaviors. There may be some questions describing situations that do not apply to you. In these cases, select the answer that you would most likely choose if you ever found yourself in such a situation.

After finishing the test, you will receive a Snapshot Report with an introduction, a graph and a personalized interpretation for one of your test scores. You will then have the option to purchase the full results.

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When trying to resolve a conflict, start by finding common ground, then work through your differences.
"When something goes wrong in your life, just yell 'PLOT TWIST!', and move on."
Molly Weis
Want to find love? First learn to love yourself.