Psych Jargon

Please read each question carefully and select the best answer by clicking on the corresponding button. The answer key will be provided after the quiz is scored. Streeeetch that mind!


Solipsism is ...

the doctrine that we can know only appearances and not ultimate reality.
the belief that there is no certain truth, and that even if there were it could not be communicated from one person to another.
the philosophical position that only one's own experience can be known.
I don't know

Positivism is ...

the philosophical and scientific position that knowledge is limited to experience and to observed facts.
the belief that God is present everywhere and in everything.
the doctrine that mental processes or behavior are analyzable into their constituent parts and that such analysis is properly within the province of psychology.
I don't know

Phenomenalism is ...

the school of psychology that emphasizes mental acts as the proper subject matter for psychology.
the doctrine that we can know only appearances and not ultimate reality.
the philosophical position that experience is the source of all knowledge.
I don't know

Panpsychism is ...

the philosophical position postulating an active mind that transforms sensory information and is capable of understanding abstract principles or concepts not attainable from sensory information alone.
the philosophical doctrine that the only ultimate reality is psychological in nature.
attributing spirits or souls to inanimate objects.
I don't know

Occasionalism is ...

the belief that so-called universals are nothing more than verbal labels or mental habits that are used to denote classes of experience.
the doctrine that reality is composed of independent units of being of both mind and matter.
the belief that bodily events and mental events are coordinated by God's intervention.
I don't know

Structuralism is ...

a branch of psychology concerned with the structure of thought and the ways in which the mind processes information.
the school of psychology that emphasizes mental constructs and processes as the proper subject matter for psychology.
the philosophical position that experience is the source of all knowledge.
I don't know

Existentialism is ...

the belief that the good life consists of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.
the philosophical belief that knowledge can be attained only by engaging in some type of systematic mental activity.
a philosophical movement whose chief tenets are that philosophy ought to be concerned with man's existence, his situation in the world, his freedom to choose his goals and projects, and the meaning of his life.
I don't know

Behaviorism is ...

the philosophical position that experience is the source of all knowledge.
the doctrine that mental processes or behavior are analyzable into their constituent parts and that such analysis is properly within the province of psychology.
a theoretical point of view that holds that the subject matter of psychology is behavior without reference to consciousness or mentalistic constructs.
I don't know

Anthropomorphism is ...

attributing human characteristics to Gods, animals, or inanimate objects.
a branch of psychology concerned with the structure of thought and the ways in which the mind processes information.
the tendency to assume that one's own beliefs, perceptions, customs, and values are correct or normal and that those of others are inferior or abnormal.
I don't know

Determinism is ...

a theoretical point of view that holds that the subject matter of psychology is behavior without reference to consciousness or mentalistic constructs.
the belief that the best life is one lived close to nature and away from the rules and regulations of society.
the belief that everything that occurs does so because of known or knowable causes, and that if these causes were known in advance, an event could be predicted with complete accuracy.
I don't know
Develop an attitude of gratitude. Every night, list at least 5 things you're grateful for.
"Your body hears everything your mind says."
Naomi Judd
Tell your negative thoughts, "Sorry, but you can't live here anymore."