Dreams of money

Dreams of money


your avatar   Babygirl, 19 year old woman

What does it mean when you and your boyfriend have the same dream on the same night that we both came into money?


    Tina Reed, MA, LPC

Take that dream as a blessing and a miracle from God! I hope both of you will not neglect to give thanks and pray for guidance on how to use your gift wisely to benefit yourselves, families, and church. If either of you are not involved in church, I strongly suggest that you begin seeking a church home. Many, many more blessings to you!

Tina Reed, MA, LPC

This question was answered by Tina Reed, MA, LPC. Tina is a licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Illinois, and is also certified by the National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice.For more information visit: http://members.tripod.com/~mothereagle/Therapy.html

If you want to change how you feel, change how you think. Use positive affirmations.
"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."
Charles M. Schulz
Reclaim responsibility of your emotions, and you'll regain your ability to regulate them.