Personal Development

Seeking Satisfaction

by Queen D, April 24, 2013

My tendency to listen more than talk has allowed me to be privy to a lot of conversations going on around me. I have this amazing ability to make it look like I’m not listening. Poring over a book. Making it seem like something really interesting is going on with my phone. Staring out the […]

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Personal Development

The Forgotten Skill

by Queen D, April 17, 2013

I don’t mind talkative people. As long as someone is filling in the empty spaces of silence, I’m perfectly content sitting back and letting the person prattle on. My only pet peeve is when said prattler doesn’t listen when I speak, and mistakes my moving lips for an optical illusion combining light and my shiny […]

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Personal Development

Sometimes you have to take the bark and the bite

by Queen D, April 10, 2013

From musicians and athletes to Nobel Peace Prize winners, business moguls and presidents, every professional is criticized about their work and their performance – and most will agree that they are better for it. Even the critics or critiques that we truly hate push us to defy them by being even better than what they […]

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Personal Development

Open Mouth, Insert Foot – The Personal and Professional Risks of Poor Social Skills

by Queen D, November 28, 2012

Poor social skills can leave a lasting impression. Struggle as one might, it’s a lot easier to recall that sore thumb of the group whose skills when interacting with others made people squirm. There are those who have an uncanny knack for building a rapport with others, who make people feel at ease in their […]

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