Love & Relationships
Taking care of your introvert
by Queen D, April 29, 2015
I have this strange quirk. On the rare, “unicorn farting rainbows” occasion when I do reveal something private about myself, you won’t hear from me again for a while. I’ll go MIA. Don’t call me, don’t come over. Don’t send a St. Bernard to look for me in the Swiss Alps. I won’t want to […]
Love & Relationships
True love made simple, in a complicated kind of way
by Queen D, February 19, 2015
I was going to write this really sweet, heart-warming, post-Valentine blog about love, and how the cornerstone of all successful relationships is Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. I was even going to show you stats from Queendom’s True Love Test where I compare satisfied and unsatisfied couples who have been together for 10+ years. I was […]
Love & Relationships
Give men a break on Valentine’s Day
by Queen D, February 11, 2015
It’s a long-standing joke. A woman starts with the “where is this relationship going” talk and her boyfriend’s eyes suddenly glaze over – or get that “deer in headlights” look. The piece of lint on his arm, the leaky faucet, or taking the dog out for a walk immediately becomes code-red priority. His eyes dart […]
Love & Relationships
Fighting, criticizing, and other holiday traditions
by Queen D, December 22, 2014
A friend and frequent reader of my blog just pointed out to me that I’m writing a lot of posts on arguing and conflict. “I don’t know why,” I replied. “I think it just puts me in the Christmasy mood. Nothing says ‘Happy Holidays’ like cold-cocking someone in the nose.” “You’re exaggerating,” she responded. “Fine. […]
Love & Relationships
Social skills & conflict – Them’s fightin’ words!
by Queen D, December 3, 2014
I’m not quite sure how this topic started. I was staring out the window, trying to think of something to write about when I saw a mother get upset at her son for not keeping up with her walking pace. Don’t people get it? We short people don’t have long strides! For every step you […]
Love & Relationships
Signs your family is perfectly abnormal…just like everyone else’s
by Queen D, November 26, 2014
If I had a dollar for every instance when a person said to me, “My family is so embarrassing/weird/abnormal” I’d have lots of money, a new wardrobe, a fancy laptop that won’t commit hard drive suicide after two years, and I’d be blogging in Scotland about my adventures exploring haunted castles. Granted, there are some families that […]
Love & Relationships
Parenting: Love like a butterfly, sting like a bee (kind of)
by Queen D, November 6, 2014
Here’s an understatement: Parenting is complex. I grew up with extremely strict parents who expected nothing but absolute obedience. Open communication was punished. They adopted an Authoritarian parenting style, characterized by high demandingness (total obedience, strict rules and boundaries, and punishment) and low responsiveness (praise, encouragement, support, etc.). I ended up as an excellent student […]
Love & Relationships
One point for Freud: Impact of parenting style on life satisfaction
by Queen D, May 21, 2014
If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ll know that I advocate the power of self. We are responsible for our own happiness. If you want to change your life, it all starts with you. I cannot deny the impact that our parents can have on our self-esteem and happiness, and the point of […]
Love & Relationships
The Top 10: Commitment Fears
by Queen D, April 30, 2014
I’ve been in a decisive mood lately, which is so very rare. Decision 1: I’ve decided to start a regular Top 10 list – on a variety of topics. There’s something about the neatness and clarity of listing things that peaks my interest and appeals to my OCD side. Ever been to a website that […]
Love & Relationships
Let’s stop expecting celebrities to be role models
by Queen D, April 16, 2014
I don’t listen to pop music stations – I’m a rock girl through and through. I do hate commercials, however, so I like to channel surf while waiting for commercials to finish. Not too long ago, I happened to switch to a station where the hosts were discussing Miley Cyrus’ latest concert tour, and the […]
Love & Relationships
Little whisperings of sweet toxins
by Queen D, April 10, 2014
I hear amazing stories at the salon when I’m waiting to get my hair done. And when people hear that I’m in the mental health field, they take it as a sign that they can unload their problems on me. Not that I mind – I love giving advice – but it’s fascinating how easily […]
Love & Relationships
It’s time to cut the relationship fantasy crap
by Queen D, February 19, 2014
I am enamored with the medieval code of conduct when it comes to relationships – the importance of chivalry. I love the idea of knights, castles, and battling for a woman’s affection. The gowns, the corsets, the Lancelots… Then I shake myself from my reverie, and realize that women were often treated like property in […]